Jooglies Goodies für Joomla und VirtueMart

Custom VirtueMart Template

Tailor Made And Furiously Fast

A VirtueMart Template In Your Corporate Design

There are a few good Virtuemart templates in the market that you get for a more than reasonable yearly subscription. For many shops that is totally fine. But there are good reasons to get your tailor made template.

Problems with regular VirtueMart templates

  • Templates that need to work for many different site bring a lot of weight that can slow down your shop.
  • Changing template positions is not easy if you want to keep applying template updates.
  • Bloated JavaScript can cause problems with other scripts.
  • The given design cannot be adjusted to the Corporate Design easily.

The advantages of custom templates

  • Corporate Design can be applied up to the last pixel.
  • Fastest loading.
  • No bulky scripts.
  • No unwanted CSS.
  • No need for external extensions if the function is implemented in the template.
  • Responsive design for every wanted screen size and resolution. No need for Bootstrap or other heavy frameworks.

Your design

Assuming you have a design made in Photoshop your own design can be transfered to the web precisely.


Content can be automatically prepared for a good search engine optimization.

Analysis and consultancy

Requirements for online shops can differ a lot. If you have your custom layout, we can analyse it and make suggestions on how to optimize it to be user friendly and accessible. The ideas of designers are not always centered on a simple and clean checkout process, and coders very often miss an eye for the little extra in the design. If your template designer and we, your template coder, work together from an early stage on, we can get the maximum performance, usability and style that will boost the revenue of your new online shop.